Thursday 13 December 2012

Mini Test! ~5 Dis 2012~

Question 1.

For this question, I did not remember or jot down the question, but it asked me to write two instructions for the students. So, this is my answers.
  1. You are the CBS Gaya Centre. Suddenly, a woman came to you and asked the way to go to Wisma Merdeka. By referring to the map below, write the direction that you will give to that woman clearly so she can arrived Wisma Merdeka from CBS Gaya Centre. You direction must be not more than 100 words.

  1. Your best friend from London is coming to Sabah and he asked you to bring him go around Sabah but, you are not free on that day. So, he asked you to tell him about the place that he should visit. Based on the map below, write an informal letter to your best friend to tell him about the interesting places to visit, the directions to go the places, the accommodation provided, and anything that you feels are important. Your letter must not more than 250 words.

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