Wednesday 3 October 2012

Form Three Sentences With Words We Found from Newspaper

Formation of Sentences with Random Words From Newspapers

This is a group task. each group will have 5 members and my group`s members are Nor Saleha, Jeeivitha Kathirvelu Pillai, Nabila Hamdan, Rizzal J Mel and myself, Erni Nabilah bt Hasni. Each group were asked to find words that mentioned by Miss Yoon in newspaper. At first, I don`t know what the next step after we found the words, but this is an interesting task because everyone wants to be the first person who found the words. After finished, we enter the class again and were asked to make three sentences regarding `Preservation of Sea or River`. In the end, each group will present their task and this is my group`s sentences:

1.When we preserve our sea,we can help to reduce the extinction of marine life. 

2.The government should preserve the sea because fish are the main source of the protein.

3.Preserving our sea will lower the rate and risk of illnesses caused  by polluted sources.

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